Protecting Your Data
Privacy & Security

As of May 25, 2018, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became fully enforceable across the European Union (EU). We are taking important steps to become GDPR compliant as we value the data of our users irrespective of their geographical location. GDPR compliance is also not restricted to only EU companies.

This page outlines important details of GDPR, as well as the steps has taken to become compliant. GDPR

Our Core Values Are Our Superpower

Your Personal Data complies with the GDPR definition of personal data as: identifiable data that relates to an individual either directly or indirectly. Some examples include names and email addresses of users in an account.

How is Safeguarding Your Information has taken several important steps in GDPR compliance:

  • We have created training internally to raise awareness throughout every level of our organization,
  • We have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to govern our compliance with GDPR, and have instituted a Personal Data Protection system to document our collection and usage of data customers have entrusted to us.
  • We have assessed our third-party providers, sub-contractors, and partners to ensure we are working with partners who actively address the security and privacy needs outlined here.
  • We have appointed privacy champions for all teams, and have created internal communication channels to facilitate continued knowledge building and training.
  • We have revised the Privacy Policy to reflect our commitment to GDPR privacy laws and data handling practices.
GDPR Obligations Status Major Accomplishments
Privacy and Legal Policies Implemented a DPO and updated our privacy policy and contract language
Data Protection/Security Established a process of obtaining consent, managing personally identifiable data, and outlining incident management procedures
Data Subject Rights Defined and enacted processes for data retention and erasure
Data Management Conducting impact assessments and data protection audits to monitor observance of GDPR policies
Awareness and Training Company-wide training and data controls to ensure compliance and reduce risk
Data Breach Notification Established an annual report about GDPR, and state of personal data protection company-wide is firmly committed to protecting the data you entrust to us. products and services meet the principles of privacy by design and default as outlined in Article 25 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Adherence to these standards means our products have appropriate privacy and security features embedded within their design, and that capably supports the data subject rights called out in the GDPR.

Data Processing Agreement

Please use the Documentation Request form linked here or at the top of the page to request the latest Data Protection Agreement document. An executed NDA must be first completed which is also available on the same request form.

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